English Română

The course Digital Humanities for medieval philosophical sources is addressed to masteral students in ancient and medieval philosophy and also to the students in related fields (medieval history, classical languages, pre-modern literature, library science, palaeography, codicology etc.) Following the graduation of this course, the students will be able to prepare digital editions of the texts conserved in medieval manuscripts. The main course on Digital Humanities is complemented by a Medieval Latin Palaeography module, so that the students will be able to decipher, describe, transcribe and edit critically the medieval manuscripts following the current TEI-P5 standards. Following this course, the students will be capable to use digital tools for production, analysis, representation, formatting and querying the digital editions in their future research.

Semestrial course outline

#Digital HumanitiesPalaeography
 Course presentation Course presentation
C.1Introduction to Digital Humanities Introduction to Paleography
C.2Semantic encoding Manuscripts and writing
C.3Critical editing Abbreviation system
C.4Principles of TEI-XML Uncial, semiuncial, carolingian minuscule
C.5Representation of manuscripts in TEI Textual gothic minuscule
C.6Representation of textual variation in TEI University gothic minuscule from 13th century
C.7Representation of source apparatus in TEI Bastard gothic minuscule from 14th century
CAContinuous assessment
C.8Visualisation of digital editions Notation of manuscript variants
C.9Integration and digital processing Collation from multiple manuscript copies
C.10Artificial Intelligence Critical apparatus
PAPractical application
 Complete course
Complete course
TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/P5/
Adriano Cappelli, Dizionario di Abbreviature latine ed italiane PDF
Breviter Interactive Dataset of Medieval Abbreviations

Each course in presented as a schematic structure which contains definitions, classifications, examples, visual representations and illustrations. These materials are available in the following formats:   presentation for projector, slideshow type;   printable layout, handout type. The entire course is available in both   English language, and in  Romanian language. All these materials are in PDF format.

The course coordinator can be contacted at the address: mihai.maga@ubbcluj.ro